How long is the session?

All sessions basic sessions are 90 minutes. If you would like a longer session for High Impact Paintball all 50% of your players must get a minimum of 700 paintballs each. If you would like a longer session for Low Impact Paintball all players much pay an additional $35. Extra time is only granted in advance as long as there is availability.

What should we wear?

We recommend purchasing overalls for $5, that way you can wear sports gear underneath as wearing overalls can make you heat up a lot on field. If you were to wear your own clothing you will risk making your clothes dirty.

Is there any food allowed on site?

You can bring your own food and set up out of the back of your vehicles or book our “party room” in advance which has tables and chairs. All we ask is that you take your rubbish with you as we do not provide rubbish bins.

Does it hurt?

High impact paintballs are travelling at 250fps when they leave the barrel of the paintball marker, you will definitely feel it. Low impact paintballs are travelling at 115fps when they leave the barrel, you will feel it but it won’t hurt as much, similar to a really hard flick.

Do we get any protection?

We do offer optional body armour to females and players under the age of 15 for high impact paintball. We do not have cups for your private area’s, you can however bring your own. All pricing includes a mask and gloves, if you would like overalls you can purchase them for $5 each.